Well, if there is a heaven or hell, then Jesus is the authority here- having died and historically proven to have risen from
the dead(EYEWITNESSED by about 150 people- most of whom were put to death for believing and proclaiming him- UNREALISTIC THAT
So as this is the real deal, and there is spiritual, then were not just a bunch of mutant cows or frogs or something,
then the simple truth is your body will rot- pretty clear. And your spirit-(your control centre that uses your brain and body)
will live forever according to Jesus, either in torment or life- (now this is getting heavy!).
Now torment is easy to get to- you simply ignore Jesus and his OBVIOUS declaration of God, don't pray to him or for ask
his help and your there-easy. like walking with a blindfold towards a cliff edge- your guarenteed to make it off the edge.
Now there is really only Jesus to get you to heaven, only he can help you get there, in fact- HE OWNS IT!. Press below
if thats where you want to go and you'll find out more about what YOU have to do!