Jesus was pretty clear to his Disples on what to tell people to do.
We are to tell you what Jesus did, the miracles and that he did good in many peoples lives(and still does!).
What he said- that he is the door, and we enter heaven BY him, not our own goodness, that he is our shepard(he wants to
look after us and steer us in the right direction).
He is our savior- he paid the price for our sins(wrongs)-the price for the littlest one=DEATH. So he was innocently killed
for you, like a substitute.
He is our master- we are to do things his way from now on.
Our job is to believe in him and what he did for us- that belief is to work outwardly because we believe what he says
to be true.
He rose from the dead and is now in permanent God empowered power and authority(what he had before he became a man).
He is the one and only savior of all men(and women included)and there is no other name you can call on to be saved.
So, in believing on him, the first thing you should do is call to him to save you and forgive all you have done wrong
, he can and will IF you ask(and he's the one who we need to forgive us and save us). Next you need to find a good church
family who have faith in him also. Believers have always gathered together in groups to strengthen each others faith(right
from when Jesus went to heaven believers have done this- and Jesus said where ever we gather together he comes among us).
As Jesus stood for us and died for us, so he EXPECTS us to stand for him, and not deny him as our Lord & God. We are
expected live different to people of the world who don't pray, don't read his word, don't gather with HIS people, and don't
do things God says to/or not to.
Faith is of major importance, and is said in the Bible to be MORE VALUABLE THAN RICHES.
Believing in Jesus and living in that belief by being with other believers and hearing his words builds faith strong so
that it cannot be stolen or lost-something that you should be on guard against because NOT ALL PEOPLE HAVE FAITH- but WE are
required to have it and keep it. FAITH IN JESUS WILL BE REWARDED WITH ETERNAL LIFE, because it believes the testimony of GOD
to the world, and acepts his payment for sin in our place.
PRAY NOW, asking Jesus to forgive you for your sins and ask Him to come into your life,to live with you and save you.
He will- he is faithful and truthful- he can and will hear you.